Sunday, April 24, 2016

Elyzee One Day Surgery Medical Center - Liposuction & Lipofilling - Abu Dhabi


Liposuction is a surgical operation to remove excess fats from specific areas between the skin and muscle. It helps improve the body contour. The procedure involves the use of a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula connected to a powerful suction pump and inserted into the fat through small incisions in the skin. The suction cannula creates tiny tunnels through the fatty layers for fat removal.

If you are have a relatively normal body weight but have excess fat in specific body parts, you are an ideal candidate for this procedure.

Liposuction is an ideal procedure if you want to improve the contours of your body and get a more appealing curvature. Body-contour irregularities due to structures other than fat cannot be improved by this technique. This procedure also doesn’t treat cellulite.

Suction-assisted lipectomy – surgery is performed using a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula that is inserted through small incision on the skin. The cannula is attached to a suction pump, which provides the suction required to remove the fatty tissue.

Sometimes, special probes which emit ultrasound energy to turn the fat into liquid is used in some situations. The fat is then removed by suction using a cannula via small incisions in the skin. This is called ultrasonic-assisted lipectomy. Your doctor will determine if you’ll need suction-assisted lipectomy alone, or in combination with ultrasound-assisted lipectomy.

There are multiple techniques available for liposuction. It may be performed under local or general anesthesia. The recovery process varies for everyone. Expect a few weeks of discomfort which will be worth it for the wonderful improvements you’ll enjoy after.

• Boosts self-confidence in and out of clothing
• Enhances body shape
• Can be a way of harvesting fat for injection in other areas to be enhanced

Procedure Snapshot
Duration: 30 mins - 2 hours
Anesthesia: General anesthetic or Local anesthetic with sedation
Hospital Stay: Day case but can stay overnight if preferred
Downtime: 1 week
Final Result: 6 - 9 months
Addresses: Fat Removal

Fat Transfer Procedures
A fat transfer procedure is the process of removing fat from unwanted areas of the body and re-injecting it to areas that have lost tissue volume. The procedure is also known as fat injections, autologous fat transfer, and fat grafting. The goal is to add fullness to areas receiving the fat injections. This is commonly done to the face, lips, buttocks or hands. To minimize bruising and discomfort, fluid can be injected to the areas to be treated before the procedure.

Fat transfer can be done under local or IV sedation anesthesia. Fat is harvested from specific body areas using a thin surgical instrument called a cannula inserted through a skin incision. The fat is then transferred and processed in a centrifuge, and is then injected into the desired area. Your surgeon may inject more than what is required to get the best result since some fat that is transferred does not maintain its volume over time. When performed properly, will fill out the treated areas giving you a more youthful look.

Procedure Snapshot
Duration: 1-3 hours
Anesthesia: General / Local / Sedation
Hospital Stay: Day care
Downtime: 3-4 days
Final Result: 1-2 months
Addresses: Fat injection

Contact us
Abu Dhabi – Al Bateen – King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud st.
P.O. Box 62932 Abu Dhabi, UAE

Tel. +971 2 566 4222
Fax. +971 2 667 0051

for more info

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting blog that you have posted, you shares a lot of things about Liposuction. Which are very informative for us. Thanks
    Liposuction UAE
